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Why Your Website Copy is Important

When it comes to your website, while good design makes a huge difference, content is king. When I start the design process with a new client, I make sure their content, both photography and copy, is ready to go before I start designing anything. The reason for this is because websites are designed and laid out around the content, not the other way around. Some of the reasons why your copy is so important are listed below in more detail. 

Attracting your ideal client

When you are speaking in your brand’s voice (yes, your brand has it’s own voice) using the language and tone should be used to attract your ideal client or customer. The goal here is that your target audience will be reading your copy and be thinking to themselves, “This is so spot on, it’s like this person is in my head!” Or, “This person gets me! I have to have what they’re selling!” Think about the brand’s you like to buy from. Are they more aligned to your lifestyle? 


Search engines are designed to read copy from websites and then they show up in a search. Therefore, it’s really important that you are using copy that your target audience will be searching for. The stronger your copy is (the more keywords you are using), the higher your content will rank on search engines, therefore making you more visible to your potential customers. Make sure you are providing enough content on your website so that search engines can identify what your site is all about when crawling your site.

User experience

When visitors are coming to your site, are they finding the information they came for? Or they becoming frustrated and clicking off your site before digging through irrelevant content? This is huge for converting visitors to customers. You don’t want anyone feeling overwhelmed by too much information or worse, not being able to find information at all. No matter how pretty your site is, viewers are going to be left with a bad taste in their mouth and most likely move on to the competitor's site before taking the time to discover what is not easy to find. 

Stand out from your competitors

You’ve attracted visitors from your design and photography. Now it’s time to educate them and really sell your product or service using your copy. This is where you have the opportunity to appear as an expert in your industry as well as appeal to their emotions and start converting visitors into customers. 


It’s important to remember that in an age of “scrolling”, you need to keep your copy concise and relevant. You don’t want to use a lot of “filler words” just to add length. You will loose attention this way and no doubt increase your bounce rate as well as loose business.

While your website design is an investment in both your brand and business, if you are not a strong writer, I would recommend looking into hiring a copywriter who is familiar with your industry. This really could be make or break with the success of your site. 

Don’t think I’m saying that good design is not as important, because it is, but if you think about it, design is not possible if there is no content to design in the first place.